Sunday, February 10, 2008

About the course and my thoughts...

Finally a summer course most parents would ever want for their kids is here. Unbelieveable, but the stakes are even higher this time. Nowhere in tutorial circles can you find Singapore Math (no. 1 math curriculum in the world), coupled with an all-important Reading Comprehension Program being offered as one package. You would never had thought this would be possible. Such offering opens up a new challenge to kids who want to get the best possible instruction in a market mostly dominated by old-school thinking.

Math should never be about memorizing formulas, often this kind of instruction degrades our school's math standards and renders the students unable to solve problems. Students tend to believe that everything in math is about formulas. It is not too late to correct this problem. Do you have to look far to consider what is probably the best math curriculum in the world?

Reading without comprehending has been a major stumbling block for many children nowadays. That's why I tried to look for effective means that would deliver the basics in a very focused strategy-based program that provides feedback. We now have what we call the "four steps to reading success." And this kind of success is now within our grasp.

Early reservations is required inorder to expedite the acquisition of imported books and materials. The quality of course materials is essential in ensuring curriculum standards are effectively being implemented.

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